Tricholaena Schrader

Syst.Veg. 2, Mant.163 (1824); Gen. Gram.: 295 (1986).- Type-species:


* Loosely caespitose or decumbent annuals (rarely) or perennials. Leaves often glaucous, inrolled, rigid; ligule a narrow membrane or a fringe of hairs.

* Inflorescence open or contracted panicle with flexuous capillary branches. Spikelets pedicellate.

* Spikelets oblong in pofile, slightly laterally compressed, with a distinctly elongated rachilla internode between the glumes. Glumes very unequal, the lower often reduced to a tiny scale, or similar; upper glume as long as spikelet, 5-nerved, membranous, emarginate to acute. Lower lemma awnless, often hairy, resembling the upper glume, the palea keels ciliate; upper lemma dorsally compressed, cartilaginous to sub-crustaceous, awnless, shiny; palea relatively long, tightly clasped by the lemma. Caryopsis oblong-ovate.