Cenchrus Linn.

Sp. Pl. 1049 (1753); Gen. Gram.: 304 (1986).- Type-species: Cenchrus echinatus Linn.


Pennisetum L Richard, Syn. Pl. 1: 72 (1805); Gen. Gram.: 303 (1986);

Beckeropsis Fig. & De Not., Agrost. Aegypt. 2: 49 (1853);

Snowdenia C.E. Hubbard, Kew Bull. 1929: 30 (1929).


* Annuals or perennials. Culms sometimes branching above the base; internodes solid or hollow. Leaves sometimes pseudo petiolate Leaves flat or involute; ligule membranous and a fringe of hairs.

* Inflorescence a cylindrical spike-like panicle with deciduous spikelet clusters along an central axis; each cluster of spikelets enclosed by a deciduous involucre. Cluster rhachises usually terete with (1) 3-130 bristles and 1-12 spikelets, disarticulation usually at the base, sometimes also beneath the upper florets. Bristles free or fused at the base, hairy or spiny disarticulating with the spikelets at maturity, in three layers: lower bristles antorsely scabrous, terete; upper bristles antorsely scabrous or long-ciliate, usually flatter and wider than the outer bristles.

* Spikelets lanceolate to ovate, dorsally compressed, acute to acuminate with two florets. Lower glume up to half as long as the spikelet, sometimes suppressed; upper glume as long as the spikelet. Lower floret male or barren, its lemma as long as the spikelet, membranous; upper lemma as long as the spikelet, firmly membranous to coriaceous, the margins covering up to two-thirds of the palea. Caryopsis elliptic to ovoid, dorsally compressed.

ESPECE-TYPE: Cenchrus echinatus Linné.

Pantropical genus with all Pennisetum spp. included.