Loudetiopsis Conert

Bot. Jahrb. 77: 277 (1957); Gen. Gram.: 319 (1986).- Type-species: Loudetiopsis ambiens (K. Schum.) Conert.


* Usually perennials. Culm nodes hairy or glabrous. Leaves linear or lanceolate, flat or convolute; ligule a fringe of hairs.

* Inflorescence paniculate, usually open or contracted. Spikelets in triads, pedicellate; the pedicels short, somewhat unequal, arising together at the tip of the hooked peduncle.

* Spikelets brown, with two florets, the lower male, the upper hermaphrodite; callus hairy short, truncate or slightly bifid. Glumes unequal, pilose usually with tubercle-based hairs. Lower lemmas awnless, exceeding the upper lemma; upper lemma incised with one awn from a sinus; awn geniculate with twisted column, much longer than the body of the lemma.

Genus with 11 species of West Africa and tropical America ; savanna woodland, sometimes swamps or shallow wet pockets on bare rocks..