Ischaemum Linn.

Sp. Pl. 1049 (1753); Gen. Gram.: 345 (1986).- Type-species: Ischaemum muticum L.

Description: Perennials but sometimes annuals. Leaves linear; sheath mostly with auricles.

* Inflorescence terminal or axillary with paired or digitate racemes. Racemes one-sided and interlocked back to back, thus simulating a single spike., mostly excerted but sometimes embraced by spatheole; internodes and pedicels clavate to inflated with concave tip. Spikelets paired.

* Sessile spikelet with an obtuse callus. Glumes chartaceous to coriaceous, the lower keeled , the upper sometimes awned. Upper lemma bifid with a glabrous awn. Pedicelled spikelet as large as sessile or suppressed.

Genus with about 65 species; throughout the trropics but mainly in Africa.