Elionurus Willd.

Sp. Pl. 4: 941 (1806); sub Elyonurus; Jacques-Félix, Gram. Afr. Trop. 1: 279 (1962; Gen. Gram.: 362 (1986).- Type-species: Elionurus tripsacoides Willd.


* Tufted perennials, occasionally annuals. Leaves flat or convolute, sometimes aromatic; ligule a short and densely ciliate membrane.

* Inflorescence a solitary raceme, terminal or axillary, spathate, flexuous, flattened and usually white hairy. Internodes terete to subclavate, disarticulating very obliquely. Pedicel free, resembles internode.

* Sessile spikelet with large cuneate callus, the disarticulation scar oblique. Lower glume narrowly lanceolate or elliptic, subcoriaceous, smooth, 2-keeled laterally; keels prominently ciliate and bordered by a brown oil-streak or pectinate hair tufts and no oil streak (E. elegans group). Lower lemma sterile without a lemma, marginally 2-nerved, clasping the upper lemma; upper lemma entire, awnless, its palea absent or vestigial. Pedicelled spikelet well developed, muticous or aristulate.

Genus with 15 species on the savannas of tropical America and tropical Africa; 1 species in Australia.