Rhytachne Desv.

Prodr. Fl. Ind. Occ. 11 (1825); Gen. Gram.: 364 (1986).- Type-species: Rhytachne rottboellioides Desv.


* Caespitose annuals or perennials. Leaves linear to filiform, setaceous to not setaceous, often rolled, with a truncate membrane.

* Inflorescence a terminal single raceme; axes solitary, disarticulating at the joints with clavate internodes; the racemes dorsi-ventral, the sessile spikelets in two alternating rows on one side). Spikelets paired; sessile and pedicellate; consistently in ‘long-and-short’ combinations. Pedicels free of the rachis.

* Sessile spikelets hermaphrodite, the pedicelled  male or sterile. Glumes long relative to the adjacent lemmas, awned or awnless; non-carinated, very dissimilar and often transversely rugulose; lemmas awnless, hyaline. Pedicelled spikelet well-developed, rudimentary or represented by an awn.

Genus with 12 species of tropical Africa and tropical America.