Festuca Linn.

Sp. PI. 73 (1753); Gram. Afr. Trop. 1: 174 (1962); Gen. Gram.: 93 (1986); Alexeev, Bot. Zh. 71: 1109 (1987)b.- Type-species: Festuca ovina Linn.


* Tufted perennials. Leaves linear and flat or folded, mostly inrolled and filiform or setaceous; ligule membranous.

* Inflorescence an open or contracted panicle.

* Spikelets 2-several-flowered with the uppermost florets reduced, laterally compressed, disarticulating between the florets. Glumes shorter than the florets, subequal. Lemmas lanceolate, rounded on the back, usually 5-nerved, membranous to chartaceous, smooth or scabrid, often with an awn or awn point arising at or just below the tip. Floret callus and rhachilla glabrous. Stamens 3.

Large genus of the temperate regions throughout the world, extending through tropics on mountain tops ; about 450 species that are sometimes taxonomically difficult to identify.