Genus Streptogyna Palisot de Beauvois

Streptogyna P. Beauv.

Ess. Agrost. 80, t. 17, fig. 8 (1812); Gen. gram.: 69 (1986).- Type-species: Streptogyna crinita P. Beauv.


* Perennial herb, stoloniferous to caespitose. Culms leafy, herbaceous. Leaves auriculate, linear to lanceolate, sometimes pseudo-petiolate, cross-veined; ligule a truncate membrane.

* Inflorescence a single spiciform raceme; axis persistent. Spikelets pedicellate.

* Spikelets with rachilla joint at the base of each floret forming a hook, aiding in dispersal; internodes elongated and prolonged beyond the uppermost female-fertile floret with incomplete florets; florets 2-4. Glumes unequal. Lemmas hairy with median straight, antorsely scabrous awn from the sinus. Stigmas 2, elongating after anthesis and entangle with one another and the lemma awns.

Two species, from W Africa to southern Asia and tropical America; forest shade.