Genus Leersia Swartz

Prod. Veg. Ind. Occ. 21 (1788) nom. cons.;  Clayton & Renvoize: 73 (1986).- Type-species: Leersia oryzoides (L.) Poll.


* Perennials, rarely annuals with creeping rhizomes; culms slender, often geniculate and ascending to up to ± 60 cm high. Leaves flat or convolute, often harshly scabrid on the margins; ligule membranous.

* Panicle spreading, ovate or oblong; the spikelets shortly pedicelled and imbricate.

* Spikelets 1-flowered, strongly laterally compressed, falling entirely from the pedicel. Glumes absent or obscure. Lemma chartaceous, boat-shaped, usually 5-nerved, typically spinulose scabrid, muticous, rarely subulate-caudate or awned; palea resembling the lemma, but narrower and usually 3 -nerved.

Genus with 18 species.