Leptochloa P. Beauv.

Ess. Agrost. 71 (1812); Gen. Gram.: 209 (1986).- Type-species :  Leptochloa virgata (Linn.) P. Beauv.


* Tufted or rhizomatous annuals or perennials. Leaves linear or lanceolate, usually flat; ligule membranous, sometimes surmounted by a ciliate frim.

* Inflorescence open, composed of slender racemes scattered along a central axis.

* Spikelets laterally compressed or subterete, 1-several-flowered, biseriate, disarticulating between the florets; uppermost floret awnless or with a short awn-point. Glumes keeled, usually shorter than the lemmas, persistent. Lemmas keeled or rounded, glabrous or minutely hairy along the nerves, awnless or with a short awn. Stamens 2-3. Caryopsis laterally or dorsally compressed.

Genus with 40 species, throughout the tropics.