Cynodon Rich.

Syn. Pl. Glum. 1: 85 (1805); Gen. Gram.: 243 (1986).- Type-species: Cynodon dactylon (Linné) Pers.

* Rhizomatous or stoloniferous perennials, usually low-growing and sward-forming. Leaves flat; ligule membranous, often ciliolate.

* Inflorescence digitate one-sided raceme, sometimes in two or more closely spaced whorls. Spikelets imbricate in two rows.

* Spikelets one-flowered, with or without rhachilla extension, strongly laterally  compressed. Glumes narrow, herbaceous, subequal. Lemma cartilaginous, ciliate on the keel and side-nerves; callus glabrous. Caryopsis ellipsoid, laterally compressed.

Genus of the Old World tropics with 8 species; 1 species pantropical.