Pseudoechinolaena Stapf

FTA 9: 494 (1919); Gen. Gram.: 270 (1986).- Type-species: Pseudechinolaena polystachya (Kunth) Stapf.


* Trailing annuals; culms with aerial roots from the nodes. Leaves lanceolate, sometimes with cross-veins; ligule membranous, truncate.

* Inflorescence composed of several loosely speculate racemes, borne along a central axis; rhachis slender bearing paired spikelets.

* Spikelets laterally compressed, ovoid, often gaping. Glumes as long as spikelet, or shorter, the lower almost flat and acute to long-awned, the upper gibbous and more or less armed with coarse, tubercle-based, hooked bristles, acute. Lower floret barren, lemma chartaceous to sub coriaceous with a green herbaceous tip; palea convolute; upper lemma cartilaginous to coriaceous, smooth, shiny, broadly clasping the palea. Caryopsis obliquely ellipsoid.

Genus of the rain-forest with 5 species in Madagascar and one species pantropical.