Imperata Cyr.

Pl. Rar. Neap. 2: 26 (1792);Gen. Gram.: 333 (1986).

Description: Rhizomatous perennials.  Culms erect; few-noded. Leaves mostly basal, narrow and erect; ligule scarious.

* Inflorescence a narrow, often spiciform panicle, its numerous primary branches bearing very short secondary racemes with tough rhachis. Rhachis not fracturing, bearing paired spikelets. Spikelets similar, each on a slender pedicel.

* Spikelets terete, enveloped in long silky hairs from callus and glumes; callus short, truncate. Glumes equal, membranous. Upper flower hermaphrodite with a lanceolate awnless lemma.