Bothriochloa O. Kuntze

Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 762 (1891); Gen. Gram.: 344 (1986).-Type species Bothriochloa anamitica Kuntze (= B. bladhii).

Amphilophis Nash, in Britton, Man. Fl. North. U.S.: 71 (1901).


Perennial herbs. Leaves sometimes aromatic.

* Inflorescence digitate or subdigitate, sometimes paniculate racemes. Racemes simple or the lower ones branched, without homogamous spikelets; internodes and pedicels linear, with a hyaline translucent groove between the thickened margins.

* Sessile spikelets with obtuse callus. Lower glume cartilaginous, sometimes with 1-3 circular pits, acute. Upper lemma mostly entire with a glabrous awn. Pedicelled spikelet like the sessile spikelet or reduced.

Genus with about 35 species.

Note: the boundaries between the species of Bothriochloa and with Dichanthium are somewhat blurred, largely due to a complex complex pattern of hybridizationcreated by rapaceous introgression from B. bladhii.