Hemarthria R. Br.

Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl.: 207 (1810); Gen. Gram.: 363 (1986).- Type-species: Hemarthria compressa (Linn. f.) R. Br.

Description: Perennial herbs, mostly rambling. Culms branched with many nodes.

* Inflorescence axillary in solitary dorsi-ventral raceme with a tough rhachis. Internodes clavate. Pedicel fused to internode.

* Sessile spikelet callus obtuse to cuneate, rarely truncate. Lower glume herbaceous, smooth, obtuse to caudate; upper glume sometimes awned. Lower floret barren. Pedicelled spikelet similar with base truncate.

Genus with 12 species, the Old World, close to water.