Lasiurus Boiss.

Diagn. Pl. Orient. 4 : 145 (1859); Gen. Gram.: 364 (1986).- Type-species: Lasiurus hirsutus (Vahl) Boiss. (= L. scindicus).


Perennials with short rhizomes. Ligule a fringe of hairs.

* Inflorescence a solitary, flattened, conspicuously villous racceme, terminal on the culms and branches. Spikelets arranged in triads, two sessile and one pedicellate at each node, the pedicel free but tightly erect, the two sessile spikelets projecting laterally; the internodes and pedicels clavate, flattened, truncate at the base with a central peg, with silky hairs 

* Sessile spikelet callus pubescent. Lower glume subcoriaceous, 2-keeled, flattened on the back with a short apical extension ; upper glume thinner and boat-shaped. Florets similar, the lower male; lemmas entire, tip acute, awnless; paleas equalling the the lemmas. Pedicelled spikelets resembling the sessile but slightly smaller, male.

Genus with 1 species of subdesert regions.