Sehima Forssk.

Fl. Aegypt.-Arab.: 178 (1775); Gen. Gram.: 348 (1986).- Type species: Sehima ischaemoides Forssk.


Caespitose annuals or perennials. Culms herbaceous. Leaves linear; ligule a line of hairs.

* Inflorescence a racemose subcylindrical panicle; internodes and pedicels linear to subclaviform, long ciliated. Spikelets in pairs, the sessile ones fertile and the pedicelled one sterile or male.

* Spikelets heteromorphic; sessile spikelet with callus obtuse and inserted into the concave top of the internode; glumes chartaceous, the lower one 2-keeled, the upper boat-shaped and keeled near the top. Upper lemma 2-lobed, in the sinus extended in a geniculate awn. Pedicelled spikelet large, lanceolate, strongly dorsally compressed, distinctly lyrate-nerced.

Genus with 5 species; Old World tropics.