Danthoniopsis Stapf

Hook., Ic. Pl. 31, t. 3075 (1916); Gen. Gram.: 317 (1986).- Type-species: Danthoniopsis gossweileri Stapf (= D. viridis).

Loudetia sect. Pleioneura C.E. Hubb., Kew Bull. 1936: 321 (1936).


* Perennials, rarely annuals. Leaves linear to lanceolate; ligule ciliate.

* Inflorescence an open or contracted panicle with spikelets in groups of 2-3.

* Spikelets 2-flowered, purplish, florets falling separately, membranous to chartaceus; callus square to oblong, obtuse or rarely 2-toothed. Glumes very unequal, 3-5-nerved, nearly always glabrous. Lower lemma 5-9-nerved, male; upper lemma membranous to coriaceous, usually with 2-8 transverse tufts or lines of hair, sometimes glabrous, bilobed with the lobes sometimes aristulate, awned from the sinus, awns flat, geniculate with a twisted column; palea keels winged.

Genus with about 20 species; mainly central and south Africa, also W Africa and Sudan to South Asia.