Calamogrostis Adans.

Fam. Pl. 2: 31, 530 (1763); Gen. Gram.: 135 (1986).- Type-species : Arundo calamogrostis Linn = C. canescens (Weber) Roth.


* Perennials, often with creeping rhizomes. Leaves linear, flat or convolute; Ligule mebranous.

* Inflorescence a spiciform to contracted panicle, many spiculate.

* Spikelets one-flowered, linear to lanceolate, with or without rhachilla extension; callus bearded with long silky hairs. Glumes as long as or exceeding the floret, acute to acuminate, herbaceous, narrow. Lemma lanceolate to oblong, usually firmer than the glumes, with a straight or geniculate awn from the back or tip between the lobes; awn inconspcuous.

Large variable genus of temperate regions and tropical mountains with about 270 species.