Meth.: 201 (1794); Gen. Gram.: 99 (1986).- Type-species: Lamarckia aurea (Linn.) Moench.
* Annual. Leaves broadly linear; ligule membranous.
* Inflorescence a dense second panicle, the spikelets in fascicles, composed of one fertile spikelet surrounded by 2-4 sterile spikelets; fascicles falling entire at maturity.
* Spikelets scarious; glumes equal, slightly shorter than the spikelet. Sterile spikelets several-flowered with florets reduced to empty lemmas. Fertile spikelets 2-flowered, the lower fertile with a long straight awn from the bifid lemma tip; the upper reduced to a vestigial deeply cleft lemma at the base of a long straight awn.
One species of dry open places.