Hypseochloa C.E. Hubb.

Kew Bull. 1936: 300 (1936); Gram. Afr. Trop. 1:191 (1962) ; Gen. Gram.: 139 (1986).- Type-species : Hypseochloa cameroonensis CE. Hubbard.


* Annuals with tender culms. Leaves narrow ; ligule hyaline.

* Inflorescence a terminal open panicle.

* Spikelets uniflores, gaping, laterally compressed, minute rhachilla extension. Glumes equal, longet than the floret, membranous, 5-nerved, acuminate. Lemma thinly coriaceous, crustaceous at maturity, including margins, which are inrolled and clasping palea keels, rounded, bidentate, 5-nerved with dorsal geniculate awn. Caryopsis oblong.

African genus with 2 species ; mountain grassland.