Deschampsia P. Beauv.

Ess. Agrost. 91 (1812); Gram. Afr. Trop. 1: 185 (1962); Gen. Gram. 129 (1986).- Type-species: Deschampsia cespitosa (Linn.) P. Beauv.

Aira Linn., Sp. PI. 63 (1753); Gen. Gram.: 131 (1986).


* Tufted perennials. Leaves linear to setaceous, flat folded or rolled ; ligule often elongate.

* Inflorescence an open shing panicle with fine filiform branches.

* Spikelets 2-flowered with the florets bisexual, desarticulating below each floret ; rhacilla internodes usually bearded. Glumes keeled, hyaline and shining. Lemma thinly membranous, lanceolate to oblong, rounded on the back, the tip and denticulate with the central vein extending into an awn arising on the back ; awn geniculate, the base twisted ; callus minute bearded.

Note : Deschampsia flexuosa (Linn.) Trin. = Avenella flexuosa (Linn.) Drejer.

Genus of temperate areas throughout the world with about 40 species, meadows, moor- and woodland.