Stapfochloa H. Scholz

Willdenowia 34: 131 (2004) ; Peterson & all, Taxon 64 : 459 (2015).- Type: Stapfochloa lamproparia (Stapf) H. Scholz


* Caespitose, rhizomatous or stoloniferous perennials, occasionally annuals. Leaves glabrous or pilose, flat or folded; ligule a short ciliate crown or lacking; sheaths glabrous.

* Inflorescence paniculate with 1-28 terminal spikelike branches, usually digitately or subdigitately inserted; the spikelike branches erect widely spreading and bearing spikelets in two rows on one side of the branch.

* Spikelets with one basal fertile floret and 2-3 reduced, sterile florets above. Lemmaselliptic, ovate or lanceolate, wit a single apical or subapical awn, the keel and margins with spreading ciliate hairs usually along the entire length. Caryopsis ovoid to ellipsoid to trigonous.

The genus has 5 species, a single species native to Africa.