Key: Step 99. Tribus Poeae
Aveneae Dumort, Obs. Gram. Belg.: 82 (1824); Gen. Gram.: 116 (1986) * Ligule membranous; sheath margins mostly free, sometimes connate. * Inflorescence a panicle, sometimes an unilateral raceme with spikelets broadside to the tough rhachis; the spikelets all alike. * Spikelets of (1-) 2-many fertile florets

Spikelets with at most 1 barren floret below the fertile.

Step 100.

Spikelets with 2 male or barren florets below the fertile ; 2 basal lemmas reduced (spikelets 3-flowered), the upper lemma hard and shining.

Phalaris minor Retz.