Axonopus flexuosus (Peter) Troupin

Fl. Garamba 18 (1956).- Type: Peter 37538, Tanzania (holo- B).

Digitaria flexuosa Peter in Fedde, Rep. Beih. 40,1: Anh. 60 (1930);

Axonopus arenosus Gledhill, Bot. Soc. Brot., sér. 2, 40: 130 (1966).- Type: Cledhill 266, Sierra Leone (holo- SL).

Regional litterature: FI. Gabon 5: 37, tab. 5:1-4 (1962); FWTA: 448 (1972); Ghana grasses: 105 (1977); FTEA: 613 (1982); Gram. Togo: 156 (1983); Gram. Cameroun: 287 (1992); Poac. CI:416, fig. (1995); Fl. Bénin: 185, fig. (2006); Fl. Guinée: 451 (2009);  


* Prostrate mat-forming robust perennial spreading rapidly from vigorous stolons, rooting at the nodes and sending up erect of geniculate culms up to 1.0 m. Culms strongly compressed and usually glabrous. Leaves linear, 3-30 cm long and 5-22 mm wide, blunt-tipped, flat or partially folded and glabrous with scabrid margins; base rounded; ligule a denticulate  rim; sheath glabrous, strongly compressed and keeled, especially the interleaved basal ones. Roots fairly fine.

* Inflorescence slender, 4-15 cm high, with 2 -3 racemes, two terminal. Racemes unilateral, 4-15 cm long; rhachis angular, glabrous; spikelets being closely appressed to the rhachis, in 2 rows.

* Spikelets lanceolate, obtuse 2.8-4 mm long. Lower glumes absent or obscure; upper glume elliptic, as long as spikelet, membranous, glabrous or pubescent. Lower lemma similar to upper glume, elliptic 9-nerved, the 3 lateral ones close to the margin; upper lemma elliptic, 1.7-2.5 mm long, indurate, pallid, apex acute; palea involute, indurate.

Distribution West Africa: Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon, CAR.

Distribution world-wide: Uganda, DRC, Congo, Gabon and C and southern Africa.