Loudetiopsis glabrata (K. Schum.) Conert

in Engl., Bot. Jahrb. 77: 287 (1957).- Type: Zenker 545, Cameroon (holo- B).

Trichopteryx glabrata K. Schum. in Engl., Bot. Jahrb., 24: 336 (1897);

Loudetia glabrata (K. Schum.) CE. Hubbard, Kew Bull. 1934: 431 (1934);

Loudetia villosipes C.E. Hubb., K.B. 4: 355 (1949).- Type: Keay & Onochie 21563, Nigeria (holo- K, iso- B);

Loudetiopsis villosipes (Hubb.) Conert, Bot. Jahrb. 77: 283 (1957).

Regional litterature: FTA 10:46 (1937); FWTA : 415 (1972); Ghana grasses: 182 (1977); Gram. Cameroun: 381, fig. 83 (1992); Fl. Bénin:  (2006).


* Densely tufted erect perennial bunchgrass up to 1 m; basal sheaths densely velvety hairy. Culms slender. Leaves narrow linear, 15-50  cm long, 2-4 mm wide, , mostly tightly rolled, glabrous and finely nerved with a recessed white midrib and sharply scabrid margins; base narrowed and hairy; ligule inconspicuous; sheath glabrous

* Inflorescence a highly branched loose golden-brown panicle 10-20 cm long; branches abruptly recurved near tip bearing triads of small spikelets. Pedicels filiform, sub equal, 1-2 mm long, ciliate.

* Spikelets lanceolate, 13-20 mm long; callus truncate, or unequally 2-toothed, 1 mm long, pilose, hairy. Glumes chartaceous, dark brown, acuminate; lower glume lanceolate, 8-13 mm long,  setose on veins with dark brown tubercle-based hairs; upper glume lanceolate; 13-20 mm long, hispidulous, hairy above. Lower lemma similar to upper glume, lanceolate, 10-18 mm long; upper lemma elliptic, 4.5-7 mm long, coriaceous; pubescent with lanceolate lobes and a geniculate awn of 4-7 cm long from a sinus.

Distribution West Africa: Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon.

Distribution world-wide: Gabon and Congo.