Stipagrostis scoparia (Trin. & Rupr.) de Winter

Kirkia 3: 136 (1963).- Type: Aucher-Eloy 2988, Egypt (isosyn- K), Schimper 36, Egypt (isosyn- K, isolecto- WAG).

Aristida scoparia Trinius & Ruprecht, Sp. Gram. Stipac: 176 (1842).

Regional litterature: Pl. Egypt: 227 (2005).


Suffrutescent perennial up to 60 cm high. Culms with glabrous internodes. Leaves tightly inrolled, stiff and pungent, curved outwards.

* Inflorescence in a oblong open and rather sparse panicle.

* Spikelets lanceolate, subterete, 18-22 mm long including the subglabrous callus. Glumes linear lanceolate, glabrous or faintly pubescent towards the tip, subacute to acuminate; lower glume 1.8-2 cm, 5-nerved; upper glume 1.5-1.6 mm, 3-nerved. Lemma 7-8 mm; colomn 1-2 mm long, the subequal awns up to 1 cm long, densely plumose throughout.