Anadelphia funerea (Jacq.-Fél.) Clayton

Kew Bull. 20: 281 (1966).- Type: Jacques-Felix 1850, Guinea (P- holo).

Monium funereum Jacq.-Fél., Rev. Int. Bot. Appl. Agric. Trop. 30: 186 (1950).

Regional litterature: FWTA: 501 (1972); Fl. Guinée: 447 (2009).


Caespitose annual, 0.6-1 m high. Leaves 4-10 cm long and 1-3 mm wide. Leaf-blade apex acuminate; ligule an eciliate membrane of 1-1.3 mm long

* Inflorescence a linear compound pseudo panicle of 10-40 cm long with only 1 fertile spikelet enclosed by a spatheole;. Spatheole linear; 2-3 cm long; scarious. Spikelets in threes. Fertile spikelets sessile, 1 in the cluster. Pedicels filiform, 2.5 mm long, ciliate with red hairs.

* Spikelets linear; subterete,10-11 mm long; callus linear, 2 mm long, pubescent pungent; hairs red. Lower glume oblong, 0.9 length of spikelet, coriaceous, dark brown, puberulous above; upper glume oblong, coriaceous with an awn 8-15 mm long. Lower lemma oblong, hyaline, ciliate on margins; upper lemma linear; 4 mm long; hyaline with a geniculate awn from a sinus of 10-12 cm long with twisted black column of 75-90 mm long. Sterile spikelets absent, represented by barren pedicels.