Loudetiopsis chevalieri (Stapf) Conert

Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 77: 290 (1957).- Type: Chevalier 6358, 6421, CAR, Gribingui (syn- P).



Tristachya chevalieri Stapf, Mém. Soc. Brot. France 8: 219 (1912).


Regional litterature: Fl. Chad (2013).



* Tufted annual of 40–70 cm long. Culms erect, 2–3 –noded, glabrous. Leaves flat or involute, 15–30 cm long and 2–4 mm wide, pubescent, attenuate; filiform; ligule a fringe of hairs; sheaths glabrous.

* Inflorescence an open or contracted oblong panicle of 8–16 cm long comprising 6–24 spikelets; branches 13–6 cm long, capillary, scabrous, hairy at tip with tubercle-based hairs. Spikelets in threes with subequal setose pedicels of 2–3 mm long.

* Spikelets lanceolate 18–20 mm long; callus bearded, 2-toothed, 1 mm long. Glumes persistent, chartaceous, lanceolate, yellow, 3-veined, hairy on veins with tubercle-based white hairs, obtuse; lower glume 10–12 mm long; upper glume 18–20 mm long.  Lower lemma similar to upper glume, lanceolate, 12.5–14 mm long; upper lemma linear, 8–8.5 mm long, coriaceous, pubescent, margins involute and interlocking with palea keels, tip 2 -fid with lanceolate lobes of 1 mm long with a geniculate awn from the sinus of7–12 cm long with twisted column of 25–35 mm long; abscissing from top of lemma. Anthers 2; 3–4 mm long. Caryopsis linear, 5 mm long.


Distribution West Africa and world-wide: Chad, CAR.