Poa bulbosa Linn.

Sp. Pl. 70 (1753).- Type: Hasselquist LINN-HL87-57 (lecto- LINN).

Poa bulbosa ssp. vivipara (Koeler) Arcang., Comp. Fl. Ital.: 785 (1885).

Regional litterature: Fl. Libya: 68 (1988); Pl. Sudan & S Sudan: 141 (2015).


* Caespitose perennial with thickened butt sheaths and forming a bulb, 5-40 cm high. Culms erect or geniculately ascending, 2-4-noded; internodes terete, smooth, lateral branches lacking. Leaves mostly basal, flat or conduplicate, 1-10 cm long and 1-2 mm wide, smoot, glabrous, margins scaberulouys, acute; ligule an eciliate membrane, 2-4 mm long, acute; sheaths smooth.

* Inflorescence an open oblong or ovate, dense panicle of 2-6 cm long and 1-2.5 cm wide; branches ascending, capillary, scaberulous. Pedicels 0.3-3 mm long.

* Spikelets oblong or ovate, 3-6 fertile florets, 3-5 mm long; callus woolly. Glumes ovate, 2-3 mm long, keeled; upper lemma as long as and upper glume 0.9 as long as spikelet. Lemmas ovate, 2.5-3.5 mm long, membranous, thinner above, margins and midvein ciliate, pubescent below. Anthers 1-1.5 mm long.

Distribution West Africa: Cape Verde, Sudan.

Distribution world-wide: Morocco, Algeria, Tunesia, Libuya, Arabia, Europe, C Asia.