Ottochloa nodosa (Kunth) Dandy

J. Bot. 69: 55 (1931); Lazarides, Austr. J. Bot. 9:120, fig. 1,2 (1971).- Type: Philippines (holo- PR)

Panicum nodosum Kunth, Enum. PI. 1,97 (1833);

Panicum arnottianum Nées, in Steud., Syn. PI. Glum. 1: 59 (1854).- Type: Wight, R 1611, India (isosyn- M, isolecto- K);

Ottochloa arnottiana (Nées) Dandy, J. Bot. 69: 54 (1931);

Hemigymnia arnottiana (Nées) Stapf, FTA 9:742 (1920);

Panicum  letouzeyi Renvoize, Kew Buil. 34(3): 553 (1979).- Type: Letouzey 11654, Cameroun (holo P, iso- K).

Regional litterature: Fl. Agr. Congo Belge 2: 227 (1934); FI. Gabon 5: 74, tab. 12 (1962); Gram. Cameroun: 236, fig. 50 (1992).


* Perennial up to 2 m high. Culms branched, erect, rooting on the nodes. Leaves lanceolate, 13-30 cm long and 1.5-3 mm wide, margins scabrid, finely pubescent, specially on the basis, narrowed at the base into a false petiole ; ligule membranous, 0.4 mm long.

* Inflorescence a terminal panicle, hardly excerted from the uppermost sheath, ovate, up to 25 cm long and 15 cm wide, richly  branched at the nodes but not verticillate. Recemes terminal, with up to 13 spikelets.

* Spikelets 3 mm long, light green. Lower glume 1.3 mm long ; upper glume 1.5 mm long. Lemmas 3 mm long with a small tuft of hairs on the top, margins pubescent.            

Distribution West Africa: Cameroon, CAR.

Distribution world-wide: DRC, Gabon and Congo, Asia, northern Australia.