Bromus pectinatus Thunb.

Prodr. Pl. Cap.: 22 (1794).- Type: Schimper s.n., s.l. (iso- L).

Bromus garamas Maire, Bull. Sic. Hist. Nat. Afriq. N. 33: 97 (1942).- Type: Maire 1388, Ahaggar, Algeria (holo- P, iso- MPU);

Bromus tibesticus Maire, Bull. Sic. Hist. Nat. Afriq. N. 34: 140 (1943).- Type: Monod 7633, Tibesti, Chad (holo- P, iso- MPU).

Regional litterature: FTEA: 68 (1970); Fl. Mauritania: 429, fig (1991); Fl. Ethiopia & Eritrea 7: 54, fig (1995); Fl. Chad (2013); Pl. Sudan & S Sudan: 122 (2015)


* Tufted annual of 10-85 cm high. Culms erect, solitary or tufted. Leaves 5-30 cm long and 2-8 mm wide; ligule a glabrous membrane of 4-6 mm long; sheaths softly hairy.

* Inflorescence a loose and nodding perennial of 10-25 cm long; branches filiform, flexuous, drooping, simple or sparsely branched.

* Spikelets narrowly oblong, becoming wedge-shaped, 5-13-flowered, 32-47 mm long, green, sometimes purple-tinged; rhachilla segments clavate. Lower glume 6.8-9.7 mm long, acuminate; upper glume 9.6-12 mm long, acute. Lemmas oblong, 11-17 mm long, rounded on the back, the middle and marginal pairs of nerves prominent, scaberulous to puberulous, tip hyaline, acutely bidentate; awn slightly longer than the lemma, 12-23 mm long, straight; palea keels pectinate. Anthers 3, 0.8-1.3 mm long.

Distribution West Africa: Mauritania, Chad, Sudan.

Distribution world-wide: Morocco, Algeria, Tunesia, Ethiopia, Uganda and Eritrea, Kenya, Madagascar, Asia.