Schoenefeldia gracilis Kunth

Good quality forage grass, also when dry; used for roofing and ropes. In the local pharmecopedy used against chicken pox and facilitates delivery.

Vern.: Géir u golo (Volof) Driest 59; Al-Moussou (Souraï) Rouget 20; Pelene (wolof), Guarelalale (Peuhl), Golombalo (serere), Ourga (Bambara) Chevalier 33858; Latiëye Davadi (Peulh) Gouv.t Senegal 28; Rooudendé (Volof) Trochain 874; shégani (Haoussa) Gouv. Niger 21, lissan-al-warral (Ignane) Creac’h 270; lissanouaral (arabe), emdjessoumoun daone (kotoko) Vaillant 13-1. erneduel (guiziga, Rippstein 2752); kaf ai (DonfalCNS868).