The annual cereal crop of commerce is extensively cultivated in a large number of varieties. The whole plant is used for fodder, roofing, mats, clotures and in the local pharmecopedy.
Sorghum,sorgho, guinea corn; gros mil; sorgho (foulfouldé); sorghum (anglais); mbarkala, géjèm (Ouldémé); buadôti (Grâo, Biafada); midjo cabal, milho-cavalo (Crioula); basse-bassi, nhame-quinto, quinterim (Fula); bambaram-bassô (Mandinga).
The red sorgho : djigari (foulfouldé), gara (toupouri).
The white sorgo: yolobri (foulfouldé), shoukouloum (toupouri).
The sorgho planted in the dry season on heavy vertisols: gari, mouskouari (foulfouldé), donglong (toupouri), dogola (massa); and on lighter soils: babouri (foulfouldé); babou, borgay (toupouri).