Chrysopogon nigritanus (Benth.) Veldkamp

Important and good fodder when young; rhizomes sought after by warthogs. Culms used for roofing and mats; the leaves for weaving hats, baskets. It is planted for the delimitation of parcels of inondated cultures. In the traditional pharmacopedy the roots are used as anti-diuretic and for curing mental diseases.

Vern.: Kiryan karibi (Gonya) Williams 824; Kulikarili (Dagombo) Williams, doumara (massa, Letouzey 6586); hagroo (toupouri, HNC 16175); margaany (massa, HNC 16175); sanganare (foulfouldé, HNC 16175); sodarde (foulfouldé, Piot 329); sodorde, sodorko (foulfouldé, Malzy 176).