Hyparrhenia rufa (Nees) Stapf

A coarse valuable grazing grass producing abundant herbage and viable seed from which it is easily established; culms used for roofing, mats, baskets and enclosures.

Vern. : almelessa (arabe, Vaillant 1319); bakale sakaya,bakan (mboum, Kaki & Ndoyama 9H; 30H); daye (N Adamaoua, Pascalet 13); dzeba (kapsiki, Leeuwenberg 10424); filei (toupouri, HNC16167); kougoulame (kotoko, Vaillant 1319); ouhi (baya, Piot 319); sidana (massa, HNC 16167); titihi sadoyi (foulfouldé, Malzy 491); titio (S Adamaoua, Pascalet 13); sobarlara, tobalare, tobarlawal (foulfouldé, HNC 16167, Malzy 5,515); wodihu balwa (foulfouldé, Malzy 491).