Cymbopogon caesius giganteus (Chiov.) Sales

Fodder when young; used for roofing and fences. In the traditional pharmacopedy used for a variety of purposes, such as rheumatism, epilepsies, yellow fever, broncho-pulmonaires and for ritual ceremonies

​Vern.: Nkabe (Ashanti) Irvine 367; Nga (Afram) Thomas D95; hissan mbèlé (bassa, Mpom 536); koudjero (mandara, Vaillant 1435); naal (arabe, Vaillant 1245); secco (arabe, Vaillant 1435); xase (kapsiki, Leeuwenberg & Van Beek 10420); kumbetu-de-fula (Crioulo); calim (Fula); ompâ (Papel).