Genus Phyllostachys Siebold & Zuccarini

Abh. Math.-Phys. Cl. Akad. Wiss. München 3.3: 745 (1843), nom. cons.; Clayton & Renvoize: 51 (1986)

* Shrub or tree; culm flattened on one side; nodes 2-ridged. The stem or culm has a prominent groove (sulcus) that runs along the length of each segment. Sheaths obsolete. * Inflorescence compound, of 1-spikelet racemes, gathered onto spathate panicles or capitulate.

* Spikelets 1- 3-flowered plus rhachilla extension. Glumes 0 – 3. * Many of the species spread aggressively by underground rhizomes and some are considered invasive species in areas outside their native range. Because of the sulcus it is an easily identifiable genera of bamboo.

* The species are native to Asia with a large number of species found in Central China, but can now be found in many temperate and semi-tropical areas around the world as cultivated plants or escapes from cultivation.