Aristida Linn.

Sp. Pl. 82 (1753); Henrard, Mededeel. Rijks Herb. Leiden 54-58A(1926-932); Gen. Gram.: 186 (1986).- Type-species: Aristida adscensionis L.


* Tufted perennials or annuals, usually without a rootstock. Leaves linear, flat or rolled, usually in a basal tuft.

* Inflorescence an effuse, contracted or spike-like panicle. Spikelets solitary, pedicelled.

* Spikelets with one fertile floret; callus well-developed and obtuse, bifid or acuminate. Glumes long, scarious. Lemma cylindrical or laterally compressed, indurate, glabrous or scabrid, rarely sparsely hairy, the margins convolute or involute, produced into a 3-branched awn (rarely the lateral branches obsolete); awn with or without a column, articulated or not, the branches glabrous or scabrid, never plumose; palea usually less than half as long as the lemma. Anthers 3.

Genus of the tropics and subtropics with about 250 species.