Tripogon Roem. & Schult.

Syst. Veg. 2: 34 (1817); Gen. Gram.: 211 (1986).- Type-species: Tripogon bromoides Roem. & Schult.


* Slender, densely tufted perennials; the persistant basal sheaths often fibrous. Culms erect, not branched. Leaves mainly basal, narrow, usually filiform; ligule a narrow ciliate membrane.

* Inflorescence a solitary terminal raceme with biseriate spikelets, overlapping and appressed on a slender triquestrous rhachis.

* Spikelets 2- to many-flowered, linear to elliptic, disarticulating between the florets above the glumes; floret callus bearded, a tuft of hairs sometimes also present at the base of the internode. Glumes narrow and keeled, persistent, shorter than the lemmas. Lemmas membranous, glabrous, mucronate to  1-3-awned. Caryopsis narrow.

Genus with 30 species of the Old World tropics; one species in tropical America; wet flushes on or around rock outcrops.