Chloris Swartz

Prod. Veg. Ind. Occ. 25 (1788); Gram. Afr. Trop. 1: 210 (1962); Gen. Gram.: 236 (1986).- Type-species : Chloris cruciata (Linn.) Sw.

Lintonia Stapf, Ic. Pl. 30: t 2944 (1911).


* Tufted, rhizomatous or stoloniferous annuals or perennials. Leaves linear; ligule a short ciliate membrane.

* Inflorescence few-many slender one-sided digitate racemes. Spikelets shortly pedicellate or subsessile, alternate in 2 rows on the tough rachis.

* Spikelets 2-several-flowered with only the lowermost floret(s) fertile. Glumes unequal, acute, acuminate or with a short awn point, persistent. Lowest floret hermaphrodite, lemma cartilaginous, usually ciliate, with a sub apical awn; callus rounded or pungent, ciliate; upper florets male or sterile, embraced by lower lemma. Caryopsis ellipsoid to linear.

Genus with 55 species, mainly of poorer soils and in disturbed places.