Chrysochloa Swallen

Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 54: 44 (1941); Gen. Gram.: 243 (1986).-Type-species: Bracteola lucida Swallen = Chrysochloa subaequigluma Berh.


* Annuals or perennials with erect or ascending culms. Leaves flat or folded, obtuse; ligule a ciliate membranous rim.

* Inflorescence one-many digitate one-sided racemes with imbricate spikelets.

* Spikelets 2 -flowered, strongly laterally compressed. Glumes sub equal, keeled. Lower floret hermaphrodite, lemma as long or slightly longer than glumes with a conspicuous sub apical awn; upper floret well-developed, male. Caryopsis ellipsoid or oblong, flattened.

Genus with 4 species, in tropical Africa on seasonally waterlogged soils.