Panicum Linn.

Sp. Plant. 55 (1753); Gen. Gram.:272 (1986).- Type-species:


* Delicate to robust annuals or perennials. Culms erect, geniculate ascending or decumbent. Leaves basal or cauline, filiform or linear to lanceolate or ovate, usually flat, sometimes cross-veined.

* Inflorescence usually a terminal open panicle, variously condensed or occasionally spicate, rarely racemose.

* Spikelets usually symmetrical, elliptic to oblong, dorsally to weakly laterally compressed, disarticulating below the glumes, 2-flowered. Glumes herbaceous to membranous, ovate or oblong, obtuse to acute, acuminate or cuspidate; lower usually shorter than the spikelet, rarely equal, an internode between the glumes sometimes present, upper glume as long as spikelet, or slightly shorter. Lower lemma similar to upper glume, with or without a palea; upper coriaceous, bony or cartilaginous, the margins of the lemma enrolled and clasping the palea, apex obtuse to acute or apiculate, crested or excavated.