Anthephora Schreber

Bestir. Graeser 2: 105 (1810); Gram. Afr. trop. 1: 261 (1962); Gen. Gram.:306 (1986).- Type-species:  Anthephora elegans Schreb. = Anthephora hermaphrodita (Linn.) Kuntze.


* Annual or perennial. Leaves stiff with an eciliate ligule.

* Inflorescence a spiciform cylindrical panicle bearing oblong to conical clusters of 3-11 sessile spikelets surrounded by an involucre of stiffly coriaceous narrowly elliptic bracts.

* Spikelets fertile or sterile. Sterile spikelets with only single glumes. Lower glume of fertile spikelets absent; upper glume subulate from a broad base with its back facing inwards. Lower lemma of sterile floret membranous; upper lemma indurated.

Genus with 11 species, one species in America.