Tripsacum Nash

Syst. Nat., ed. 10 : 1261 (1759); Gen. Gram.: 369 (1986).- Type-species: Tripsacum dactyloides (Linn.) Linn.


* Perennial, often broad-leaved and robust, usually rhizomatous.

* Inflorescence terminal and axillary of digitate racemes. Each raceme female below with fragile internodes and male in distal half with tough narrow internodes.

* Female spikelet single, deeply sunk in internode, callus transversely truncate with central ridge or peg. Lower glume crustaceous, smooth, slightly winged at tip. Male spikelet paired, both sessile or one raised. Glumes chartaceous.

Genus of the Central-american savannas. Species are difficult to separate.