Tripsacum laxum Nash

N. Amer. Fl. 17:  81 (1909).- Type:

Regional litterature: FTEA: 857 (1982); Poac. CI: 682, fig. (1995).

Description: Perennial grass in large tufts, up to 2-4 m high, with pilose butt-sheaths. Culms robust, 10-145 mm diameter at the base, erect or ascending and developing roots at the lower nodes, glabrous. Leaves large, linear-lanceolate, 0.8-1.5 m long and 5-9 cm wide, margins scabrous; ligule ma short ciliated membrane; sheaths glabrous except for a few long hairs near the tip.

* Inflorescence composed of 1-8 terminal and axillary racemes of 10-30 cm long along a central axis of 4-10 cm long; the base covered by the sheath of the last leaf. Female spikelets at the base of the raceme, also in cavities in the axis, the male spikelets more numerous in the upper part.

* Female spikelets ovate, 5 mm long, glabrous, opposite in each internode in cavities. Lower glumes ovate, indurate, shiny, light yellow, with 2 keels, the upper glume chartaceous, and acuminate. Lemmas hyaline, ovate. Caryopse remaining in the cavity and enclosed by the lower glume. Male spikelets biflores, 3-9 mm long, in pairs. Lower glume chartaceous, elliptical, with 2 spiny keels, the upper boat-shaped. Lower lemma membranous with hyaline pubescent margins; upper lemma smaller.

Distribution West Africa: Introduced in Ivory Coast.

Distribution world-wide: Central America; introduced in Asia.