Genus Urelytrum

in E & P., Pflanzenfam. 2,2: 25 (1889); Gen. Gram.: 361 (1986).- Type-species: Urelytrum agropyroides (Hack.) Hack.


* Annual or perennial. Leaves flat, with a membranous ligule.

* Inflorescence one-many subdigitate racemes. Racemes flattened, fragile; internodes clavate with crater form top and a lobed scarious rim.

* Sessile spikelet with a oblique, obtuse to cuneate, pubescent callus, inserted  in the internode, concealing most of the hairs. Lower glume coriaceous with margins keeled towards the tip; upper glume awnless. Pedicelled spikelet almost as long as the sessile or reduced, its lower glume drawn out into a long curved awn. 

Genus of tropical Africa with 7 species.