Acrachne Chiov.

Ann. Ist. Bot. Roma 8: 361 (1908); Gen. Gram.: 222 (1986).

- Type species: Acrachne verticillata (Roxb.) Chiov. = Acrachne racemosa (Roem. & Schult.) Ohwi.


* Tufted annual. Leaves broadly linear; ligule a ciliate membrane.

* Inflorescence terminal with digitate or whorled racemes along a central axis. Racemes with imbricate spikelets; spikelets subsessile on a slender flattened rhachis, terminating in an abortive spikelet.

* Spikelets light green, several- to many-flowered with a serrate outline, laterally compressed; lemmas disarticulating from below upwards, paleas persistant but often the spikelet falling wholly or in part when only a few lemmas have been shed. Glumes 1-nerved, keeled, shorter than the lemmas. Lemmas 3-nerved, strongly keeled, cartilaginous, glabrous, tip entire, aristulate. Caryopsis ellipsoid, rugueuse.

The genus has three species, in Africa, Asia and Australia; in the WNSA-region one species. Species of shade and open habitats, sandy savanna.

From the Greek akra (the terminal point) and achne (a scale), referring to the fine-pointed glumes and lemmas.