Dichantium Willemet

Usteri, Ann. Bot. 18: 11 (1796); Gen Gram: 342 (1986).- Type-species: Dichanthium nodosum Willemet (= D. annulatum)

Eremopogon Stapf, FTA 9: 182 (1917).


* Perennials, rarely annuals. Leaves linear, often cauline,  sometimes aromatic; ligule membranous.

* Inflorescence of single or subdigitate racemes, terminal and axillary, rarely branched below. Racemes usually with one or more basal homogamous spikelets; spikelets imbricate, internodes and pedicelles slender, solid and bearded. Spikelets of a pair subequal to equal or unequal in size or shape, usually differing in sex, except the lowermost 1-6 pairs, which are homogamous and male or neuter.

* Sessile spikelets dorsally compressed, often imbricate with obtuse callus. Lower glume chartaceous to cartilaginous, broadly convex to slightly concave; upper glume unawned. Lower lemma sterile without a palea; upper lemma stipitiform, entire, with a glabrous or puberulous awn. Oedicelled spikelet similar to the sessile spikelet, male or neuter, awnless, rarely bisexual and awned.

Genus with c. 20 species in the Old World tropics.