Exotheca Anderss.

Nov. Act. Reg. Soc. Sci. Upsala, ser. 3,2: 253 (1857).- Gen. Gram.: 356 (1986).- Type-species: Euclasta abyssinica (A. Rich.) Anderss.


Perennial with linear leaves; ligule scarious, adnate to the sheath-auricles.

* Inflorescence composed of paired racemes subtended by spatheoles and forming a scantymfalse panicle. Racemes short, arranged end to end with the upper borne upon a very long raceme-base, each raceme with 2 homogamous pairs.

* Sessile spikelets terete; callus pungent. Lower glume subcoriaceous  with a herbaceous beak of 2-3 mm long, rounded on back and sides; upper glume awnless. Lower floret reduced to a lemma; upper lemma hyaline, bidentate with a geniculate awn with pubescent column. Pedicelled spikelet male without a distinct callus.

Genus with one species.